Format of Kegel Aalborg International
Entries and re-entries, 6 games
There will be 2 separate Early Bird standings
Early Bird 1 covering Squad 1 to 4
Early Bird 2 covering Squad 5 to 8
Top 3 (NOT qualified in any other way) from each of the Early Bird competitions will qualify for the Semi Final (B-Final) on Saturday Night
There will be a separate standing for Female athletes.
Female Athletes can bowl in all squads, and scores from all squads will count for the standing of the Female Athletes competition.
Top 6 (NOT qualified in any other way) from the Female Athletes competition will qualify for the B-Final on Saturday Night
There will be a separate standing for Senior Bowlers
Senior Bowlers can bowl in all squads, and scores from all squads will count for the standing of the Senior 50+ Competition.
A Senior Bowler must be 50 years of age or older at the first day of the tournament, i.e. a Senior Bowler must be born on May 18th 1975 or earlier.
Top 6 (NOT qualified in any other way) from the Senior 50+ Bowlers competition will qualify for the Semi Final (B-Final) on Saturday Night
There will be a separate standing for Youth U23 Bowlers.
Youth U23 Bowlers can bowl in all squads, and scores from all squads will count for the standing of the Youth U23 Bowlers competition.
A Youth U23 Bowler must be 23 years of age or younger at the first day of the tournament, i.e. a Youth Bowler must be born on May 18th 2002 or later.
Top 6 (NOT qualified in any other way) from the Youth U23 bowlers competition will qualify for the Semi Final (B-Final) on Saturday Night
The Turbo competition only includes games from athletes having signed up to one or both Turbo competition(s) upon their entry registration. A Turbo registration is valid only for the squad just entered.
Two separated Turbo standings will be provided (NOT qualified in any other way):
- One standing for game 4 (Turbo G4)
- One standing for game 6 (Turbo G6)
The Female Turbo competition only includes games from female athletes having signed up to one or both Turbo competition(s) upon their entry registration. A Turbo registration is valid only for the squad just entered.
Two separated Female Turbo standings will be provided (NOT qualified in any other way):
- One standing for game 3 (Female Turbo G3)
- One standing for game 5 (Female Turbo G5)
A: 6 Female athletes qualify from the Female (Not qualified in other way)
B: 6 Youth U23 qualify for the Semi Final from Qualification (Not qualified in other way)
C: 6 Senior 50+ qualify for the Semi Final from Qualification (Not qualified in other way)
D: 6 athletes qualify from the Early Bird Competition 1 or 2 (Not qualified in other way)
B Finals will be played as 4 groups (A, B, C and D) with 6 athletes playing 3 games from scratch on 6 lanes per group
Top 2 from each group (A, B, C and D) will qualify for the primary final on Sunday
A: 34 athletes from the general qualification
B: 1 athlete from the Turbo G6 Competition
C: 1 female athlete from the Female Turbo G5 Competition
D: 1 athlete from the Turbo G4 Competition
E: 1 female athlete from the Female Turbo G3 Competition
F: 2 highest positioned females NOT qualified in A to E
G: 8 athletes from the Semi Final (B-Final) Competition
An athlete will qualify only once and always in the listed order starting from A.
If an athlete is qualified from more than one category, the next positioned athlete from the category, not valid for the already qualified athlete, will qualify instead.
12 athletes positioned 1-12 in the general standing will qualify for the final step 2
36 athletes, which is all other qualified athletes, will play in the final step 1
36 athletes will play 5 games starting from scratch
Athletes positioned 1-12 is qualified for the final step 2
Athletes positioned 13-36 will be ranked 25-48 according to their position in the final step 1
24 athletes will be divided in 3 pools as follows:
Pool 1: 1, 6, 7 and 12 from the qualification + 3, 4, 9 and 10 from step 1.
Pool 2: 2, 5, 8 and 11 from the qualification + 2, 5, 8 and 11 from step 1.
Pool 3: 3, 4, 9 and 10 from the qualification + 1, 6, 7, and 12 from step 1.
Each game is played for points: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 point – if there is a tie then points are shared
Each pool is playing 4 games, change lanes (inside the pool) between games, 4 highest athletes in points go forward to step 3.
No. 8 in each pool is ranked no 22-24 based on pinfall in final step 2.
No. 7 in each pool is ranked no 19-21 based on pinfall in final step 2.
No. 6 in each pool is ranked no 16-18 based on pinfall in final step 2.
No. 5 in each pool is ranked no 13-15 based on pinfall in final step 2.
12 athletes will be divided in 2 pools of 6 athletes by draw:
Each pool is playing 6 games, 2 athletes per pair of lanes, first 3 games then lanes are changed within each pool, for the second 3 games then moved over to the lanes used by the other pool and 3 games played within those 6 lanes.
Athletes will collect points 6-5-4-3-2-1 after each game based on scoring, if there is a tie then points are shared, top 2 in each pool by points goes to final step 4
No. 6 in each pool will be ranked no 11-12 based on pinfall in final step 3
No. 5 in each pool will be ranked no 9-10 based on pinfall in final step 3
No. 4 in each pool will be ranked no 7-8 based on pinfall in final step 3
No. 3 in each pool will be ranked no 5-6 based on pinfall in final step 3
No. 2 in each pool will be ranked no 3-4 based on pinfall in final step 3
Final 1: No. 1 in each pool from final step 3 will play 1 match of one game – winner of this match will be the winner of Kegel AI – looser will be ranked as no. 2 (Runner up)
Qualification / Early Bird / Youth and Senior Competition / B-Finals / Final step 1
The highest positioned athlete will be the athlete scoring the highest last game. If a tie still exists, the highest positioned athlete will be the athlete with the highest second last game etc.
Turbo Competition
In case of a tie, in the turbo, qualified athlete will be the highest positioned athlete in the qualification.
Final Step 2-4
Ties influencing who will qualify for the next final step (Cut position) will be broken by playing a One Ball roll off, repeated until the tie is broken. In all other tie situations in step 2-4, a procedure similar to the procedure for the qualification will be followed.